Sir Brandon Gough Centre
In addition to assisting our students with the costs of attending secondary school, we are also determined to have a big impact on the quality of education accessible in these rural communities. Educational resources and learning materials are very scarce in this part of the country.
RACET provided the Sir Brandon Gough Learning Centre in Ntrigom in 2015 which currently houses 14 computers providing access to personalised digital courses from top sources like Khan Academy and GCF Learn Free. Additionally, the students benefit from Nigerian software relevant to the national curriculum and revision for external exams.

Photovoltaic panels and inverters keep running costs down and enable the Centre to be completely independent from Nigeria’s erratic electricity supply.
The Centre is named after Sir Brandon Gough, one of RACET’s earliest supporters.
Mfuma IT Centre
Completed in 2020, a second Learning Centre was established at the Community Secondary School of Mfuma. This Centre houses 16 computers offering digital educational software to nearly 400 students at the school. With the addition of the computers and extra training, results are improving rapidly with more students completing their secondary education and receiving offers for University.

RACET provides the expertise to run the computer suite and digital learning courses, which include computing, mathematics, science plus specific materials to help prepare for the secondary school final exam (WAEC) and University entrance exam (JAMB).
With generous grant support from the British and Foreign Schools Society, the existing school building now housing the Mfuma IT Centre was refurbished, connected to a solar power supply and fitted out to accommodate the new computers. The IT Centre, which supports nearly 400 students, opened in 2020 with 16 computers. We are most grateful to BFSS for their support and encouragement for this much needed project.